The Angelova Method




Could your posture use some improvement?

Do you experience aches, pains, stiffness?

Do you find yourself being less active as you age?

Do you have history of injuries and/or are you preparing or rehabilitating post a surgical procedure?

Is lack of mobility/ pain limiting your athletic performance, basic functional movement (tying your shoes, putting a jacket on) and/ or mental well-being (focus, desire to do things)?


Would you like to be better at setting boundaries?

Do you find your actions are often out of alignment with your priorities?

Does what people think impact your behavior?

Would you like more tools to actively manage your stress level?

Are you experiencing low energy levels/ mood swings? Are you snappy & reactive?


Do you often feel less than your best?

Do you suffer from lack of sleep?

Are you falling short of the vision you have for your life?

Is stress an accepted part of your daily living?

Are you uneasy taking action outside your comfort zone?

Did you answer Yes or Sometimes to 5 or more of these questions? If so, and you're ready for change, let's connect. Submit your evaluation and then click below to schedule your complimentary 30-min consultation.

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