The Angelova Method

workplace wellness

Elevating Company Culture through the Power of Physical & Mental Well-Being

Authentic Leadership

Elevated Performance

Effective Change Management 

Upgraded Attitude 

Engaged Employees 

Dream Clients 

High Retention 

Creative Energy

Reduced Healthcare Costs


Imagine…your team is vibrant and focused. Energy abounds, fueling creativity. Productivity soars, driving peak performance. Turnover becomes a non-issue in a fiercely competitive marketplace for top talent.

Why work with me?

I have 17 years of progressive corporate experience and understand the challenges presented by today’s intense work environment. I have developed The Angelova Method, a comprehensive program that addresses physical and mental well-being. I help companies empower their employees while building a vibrant and thriving company culture.

✔ MBA & BBA in Finance

✔ #1 Release Author

✔ 600-hour Pilates Certification

✔ Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner

✔ Effective Body-Mind Coach

✔ Inspirational Speaker

✔ Superior Customer Support

✔ Successful Entrepreneur

✔ Tremendous Personal Transformation